Legal Filing Service
Fredericks & Palmer Process Serving produly offers legal filing services for any type of court document. We ensure that these documents are completed and submitted correctly, all in a timely fashion. If you do not have the time and/or cannot afford any delays or missed deadlines, let us do the work for you. With our experience and reputation, you can trust us with all of your court filing needs.
Filing Court Documents
Fredericks & Palmer Process Serving offers a comprehensive list of court documents we'll file on your behalf. They include:
- Court Summons
- Proposed Orders and Motions
- Dismissals
- Complaints
- Petitions
- Proof of Service Documents
- Defaults
- And more!
Benefits of Our Legal Filing Services
Nationwide Availability
Not only do we service the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, but we also assist nationwide. We will ensure that each document is compliant with local and state laws.
Thorough Review & Documentation
Each submission is reviewed by our team of document specialists. They can identify and correct mistakes such as incorrect case numbers, wrong court location listings, or forgotten signatures before the documents are filed in court. This saves valuable time from rejections.
Peace of Mind & Focus
By allowing Fredericks & Palmer Process Serving to handle your need for filing court documents, you can rest assured that your requests will be handled and you can spend more time focusing on the important aspects of your case.
Contact Us Today
Give us a call at 609-233-6743 or fill out our web form to let us know how we can help you.